University of Toronto Students:

Your input is important and appreciated! Researchers from U of T’s Civil & Mineral Engineering Department are investigating the sustainability knowledge and actions (carbon footprint) of U of T students to determine the relationship between them. Help the research team to better understand your knowledge and actions by contributing to their research.

You are invited to fill out the survey below.

This survey is open to all University of Toronto students across all programs and campuses. Please answer each question to the best of your ability without conducting additional research. The time commitment to complete the survey is estimated to be 15–25 minutes.

Survey window: October 15 – November 15, 2023

If the survey link above does not work, you can copy and paste the URL below in your browser:

Compensation: As a token of gratitude, you can opt to be placed in a raffle draw. There will be 3 prizes, each worth $50CAD.

Survey approved by the Research Ethics Board of the University of Toronto. Protocol Number: 40378.

Should you have further questions please contact:

CivMin Student Survey - Campus Sustainability